Welcoming Baby Maeve



I am sitting in my office on this beautiful Monday morning, sipping my usual coffee. I am realizing how blessed I am. We are excited to announce the arrival of our daughter Maeve Elizabeth Merrow. She was born on October 2nd at 10:29 am, weighing in at 7 lb 12.6 oz. Lindsay and Maeve are doing extremely well and we could not be any happier with our lives. Finn is “stoked” to be a big brother and is welcoming her to our family with open arms. He is going to be such an amazing big brother.


I was sitting in the hospital waiting the arrival of baby Maeve. She finally arrived after several hours of Extremely Hard Work, great job babe!! And I could not wait to get my hands on her. I am sure you can guess what I did first. Having the ability to adjust your children in less than 10 min postpartum is an amazing thing. It is one of the most wonderful experiences that my profession offers me. The best way to help a human being with chiropractic and cause well-being and health is to logically start from day one of life. Chiropractic has, in my opinion, the most power of the profession by adjusting a newborn. And it is rewarding and fun to witness the results, especially with your own children.


Although leaving my beautiful and newly built family is going to be difficult every morning. I never once complain about coming to work and doing what I love. Treating this small community is very rewarding and I could not ask for better patients. What I give to patients is truly given back to me in one way or another. I want to thank each and everyone of you for giving me such a humble, blessed, rewarding life.


